Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
The Cathedral of His Glory has a very unique Youth Ministry. The foundation is rooted in Christ Jesus and the Word of God. We build upon this foundation through involvement with outreach in the community, Youth Conferences, fun activities, and most importantly the word and power of God.
We believe that God has commissioned us to see our generation raised up in the power of God. To teach and show the youth what it looks like to be a people passionately pursuing the things of God. Our goal is to equip the youth to be able to stand strong for God, despite the pressures encountered through the world, and to live in the victory of the finished work of the cross. We love and believe in every youth that walks through these doors, and wish to encourage them to get to a place where they too, love and believe in themselves and Christ in them.
Youth meeting times are Sunday at 10:30am. We will join the main service for Worship, then dismiss for Youth Group after worship.