About Us
Our Vision
To Reach
Communities & Generations
To Build – To Lead – To Serve
To grow
In Christ – In Love – In Purpose
Our Mission
To go and make disciples of the people of the Triad, teaching them to keep what Jesus commanded, through small groups where we learn to give our life for our friends.
Where We Are Heading
The Church
The church exists to equip, not to entertain.
We are to win the lost, to disciple new believers, and to equip them for the work of the ministry.
The Ministry
That mandate has not changed. It’s still true today as it was 2000 years ago. We, the five-fold ministry are to equip, train, disciple, and to minister the power of God throughout the earth.
The Comission
From my house to every house and around the world the Gospel must be preached!