December 1st Wednesday DNA Service.

Cathedral of His Glory 4501 Lake Jeanette RD, Greensboro, NC, United States

Come and join us for the month of Decembers's Wednesday DNA Service. December 7th at 7pm EVERYONE is welcome! and encouraged to come! We have been going through the word […]

Cathedral Christmas Banquet

Cathedral of His Glory 4501 Lake Jeanette RD, Greensboro, NC, United States

All are welcome at our annual Christmas Banquet! Ladies and Gentleman will have the opportunity to host & decorate their tables for their guests or you can just come mingle […]

Children’s Ministry Christmas Special

Cathedral of His Glory 4501 Lake Jeanette RD, Greensboro, NC, United States

Our Children's Ministry is working on something special this Christmas. Come support them Sunday, December 18th at 10:30 am.

Leadership Meeting

Cathedral of His Glory 4501 Lake Jeanette RD, Greensboro, NC, United States

If you are a leader, Elder, Academy graduate, or interested in becoming a leader, make sure to mark your calendars! We are meeting Sunday night January 22nd at 6pm!

February Pizza Movie Night

*ATTENTION PARENTS* Potential date night is Friday, February 3rd! Drop your kids off at Pizza/Movie Night and enjoy the evening together. The little ones will have a blast! February 3rd, […]

February 1st Wednesday DNA Service.

Cathedral of His Glory 4501 Lake Jeanette RD, Greensboro, NC, United States

Come and join us for the month of February's Wednesday DNA Service. February 1st at 7 pm Everyone is welcome! and encouraged to come! We have been going through the […]

Cathedral Movie Night

Cathedral of His Glory 4501 Lake Jeanette RD, Greensboro, NC, United States

Mark your calendar for Cathedral Movie Night! We'll be watching a powerful faith-based film along with pizza, candy, and popcorn! Bring your family and invite a friend cause we're going […]

February Woman’s Ministry Fellowship

Cathedral of His Glory 4501 Lake Jeanette RD, Greensboro, NC, United States

Our monthly Women's Fellowship dinner is fast approaching. Mark your calendars and be sure to invite someone. We look forward to fellowshipping with you! February 17, 2023, at 6:00pm Meet […]

Nights of Revival

Cathedral of His Glory 4501 Lake Jeanette RD, Greensboro, NC, United States

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!   Revival services have been extended Monday through Wednesday! February 27th - March 1st at 7 PM Nightly.   Join us for these powerful meetings with the Pastors […]

March Wednesday DNA Service.

Cathedral of His Glory 4501 Lake Jeanette RD, Greensboro, NC, United States

Come and join us for the Wednesday DNA Service for the month of March. March 1st at 7 pm Everyone is welcome! and encouraged to come! We have been going […]